Boys Uniform:
- Blue open neck shirt.
- Grey short school trousers.
- Grey school socks.
- Dark brown leather school shoes with laces, with a dark sole; no coloured soles are allowed (see examples below).
- No tie.
- Blue long sleeve shirt.
- Grey short or long school trousers.
- Grey school socks.
- Dark brown leather school shoes with laces, with a dark sole; no coloured soles are allowed (see examples below).
- Red school tie.
- School blazer, red tracksuit top.
Girls Uniform:
- Blue open-necked, short-sleeved shirt
- School gym
- Short white socks
- Black school shoes
- (No tie)
- Dark blue panties
- Only red ribbons, bobbles or Alice-bands
- Plain, suitable red or silver hair clips
- Only small gold or silver sleepers or studs in earlobes. Only one per ear.
- Blue button-up, long-sleeved shirt
- School gym
- Grey school socks or black winter stockings
- Black school shoes
- Red school tie
- School blazer or jersey or red tracksuit top
- Dark blue panties
- Only red ribbons, bobbles or Alice-bands
- Plain, suitable red hair clips
- Only small gold or silver sleepers or studs in earlobes. Only one per ear.
Girls Sportwear:
- Physical Education: Blue shorts, school sport shirt/ athletic shirt/netball or hockey shirt
- Athletics: Blue shorts or ski pants, athletic frock
- Swimming: Official swimwear in school colours (0nly team members)
- Netbal en Tennis: Royal blue skirt, school sport shirt, tennis shoes, short white socks with red stripes, dark blue panties / ski pants
- Hockey: Royal blue skirt, hockey shirt and hockey socks
- Protective wear: School tracksuit
- The current blue tracksuit will be phased out by the end of 2026.
- Learners who will be in grade 1 in 2025 will wear the new tracksuit.
- Parents of learners who play in the respective u/13 A teams in 2025 will have to buy the new tracksuit if their children do not already have one.
- All other learners in grades 2 to 7 will also be allowed to purchase the new tracksuit if their parents choose to do so.
- The new tracksuit will be compulsory for all learners from 2027.
Physical Education
Protective wear:
School Tracksuit
New tracksuit phased in
Boys Sportwear:
- Physical Education: Blue shorts, school sport shirt/athletic frock.
- Athletics: Blue shorts, athletic frock
- Cricket: Blue shorts, school sports shirt, white sports shoes, hockey socks, blue hat/cap (school).
- Mini Cricket: Blue shorts, school sports shirt, white socks with red stripes, blue hat/cap/peak (school).
- Tennis: Blue shorts, school sports shirt, white tennis shoes, white socks with red stripes, blue cap (school).
- Rugby: White shorts, school rugby jersey (barefoot).
- Hockey: Blue shorts, hockey shirt and hockey socks.
- Protective wear: School tracksuit
- The current blue tracksuit will be phased out by the end of 2026.
- Learners who will be in grade 1 in 2025 will wear the new tracksuit.
- Parents of learners who play in the respective u/13 A teams in 2025 will have to buy the new tracksuit if their children do not already have one.
- All other learners in grades 2 to 7 will also be allowed to purchase the new tracksuit if their parents choose to do so.
- The new tracksuit will be compulsory for all learners from 2027.
Physical Education
Protective Wear:
School Tracksuit
New tracksuit phased in